Monday, January 22, 2007


Christmas break this year was really good for me. I was able to spend a fare amount of time with the people that I really wanted to, as well as work for my Northshore(church) for a couple weeks. While I have been here at college I have never been comfortable with the amount of debt that I am accumulating. Over break this was on my mind and I have been wrestling with the idea of whether I should stay here at college or if I should look to going somewhere cheaper and maybe closer to home.
From my experience living here in Iowa for a year and some change I have realized that I am not a big fan of the weather, but I do enjoy my classes. I have some close friends but mostly acquaintances, and it is really hard not to compare my friends here to my friends at home.(Seattle area) There are all kinds of small reasons for my wanting to return to the Seattle area, but I cannot help but come back to the biggest issue of debt. So I am still weighing my options and what is my wisest decision. Also a big motivating factor for leaving here is that I still have a strong desire to be involved in missions, and with a substantial amount of debt it will be really hard to do missions any time in the near future.
Thinking through all these issues has been really beneficial spiritually. It is causing me to see how much more dependent on the people around me and God. I guess the dependency issue also came up with my tonsils being removed. Especially on the Thursday after my surgery I was at college group and for the first time since I can remember I was unable to sing along with worship, and I was unable to drive myself to college group itself, and began to realize me dependency on my friends and especially my Mom to help me. To continue on the singing side of things I was discouraged with not being able to sing, and I found myself having to find other ways to worship. This led to me to see what God was teaching through my thoughts and devotions instead of my sing and making music.

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