Tuesday, October 16, 2007

High School

Today I have had hihg school on my mind, and I think it started when I was glancing at some photos on facebook. Do you ever have memories that you wish to forget because looking back on them you realize that what you said was rediculous or what you did was embarrassing? And yet I think that most of the time we are hard on ourselves and most of the time our embarrassing moments are only burned into our own memories and no one else's who was there.

When I was in high school(especially senior year) I remember think that me and my friends were so mature, especially in comparison to the freshmen. I remember times when I thought what I was saying was profound or a nugget of wisdom to the underclassmen. I now look back on those memories and my perspective is so different. Most of the time my reaction is "Wow, that was stupid". I wonder if the same is true for me today. Do I think that I am more mature than I really am? Now that I am a junior do I feel like I have nuggets of profound wisdom to share with the underclassmen? I know I have already said and done really stupid things. What is it about me that puts such a high value on the opinion of my peers. Isn't that why we are so hard on ourselves when we remember embarrassing or stupid moments in our lives? In some ways I wish I could forget a lot of high school, but maybe that is because it is easier to remember mr stupidity than what me and some of my friends from high school would always call "good times".

I think junior high and high school are a perfect example of "growing pains".

More to come, but I have to go to class...

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