Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Relationship respect.

On Monday I was at church doing some stuff for my internship. I hate that title. If I graduated from college, feel like my job title should carry a little more respect. But while I was at church I ran into my old young adults pastor from the past few years. He sometimes reads my blogs, but I won't let that influence my thought process. I realized that there is this list of people in my life that I hold high respect for. It is the kind of person that when I talk to them I almost fumble my words through the conversation because of my respect for the person. I think Chris would fall into this category. It was really nice to see him again.

Some other people that fall into the category are the former senior pastor of Northshore, Jan Hettinga. He is a good shepherd. I suppose there are multiple pastors that might fall into the "respected good shepherd" category. There are many that are on my mental list of people I really respect, but this is a special category, and fumbling words is not the only indicator. So my encouragement to all my readers is to find those people in your life that you highly respect and ask some questions. What qualities do you appreciate and why are they so attractive.

Something I would like to tag onto this post is a census. If you are a frequent reader then it would be nice to know who you are. I know of a few, but I suppose there are others. Post a comment saying "present" or something.



Josh said...


(It's catching on!)

Eric Pilon said...

I read them all, but only comment infrequently

Chris said...

Cheers. Looking forward to a more lengthy visit.

Elijah Palmer said...

I just found and started following. Nice bit about Facebook by the way.

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