Monday, October 26, 2009


I am not exactly sure where the name comes from, but today I went to crossfit in Kirkland. But lets start from the beginning. This past summer I was a leader at summer camp with Northshore Baptist Church. The speaker was Scott Ross, a solid guy who used to be the youth pastor at Northshore back in the day. I noticed that he had this shirt that said crossfit and started asking questions. He had blisters on his hands from all the pull ups he was doing at crossfit and had nothing bad to say about it besides "it's hard" but this followed by "it's changed my life".

Last week I went to Men's Retreat and met a guy that looked familiar and I also happened to notice that he was in really good physical condition. The week goes by and last night I saw Loren and his wife at a get together after church and somehow we got to talking about crossfit. And again "it's really hard" and "it's one of the best things for me" came up in the same sentence. Earlier this summer I had come back from camp and checked out the website and it seemed pretty cool, so when Loren asked if I wanted to come check out a workout with him today I thought "why not".

I have to say that the workout today was one of the hardest I have ever done, but the difference between today and other grueling days of football workouts was that I feel pretty good. Let me define pretty good: my stomach has been telling me that it is about to donate everything I gave it today to the surface closest to my mouth, my legs are so tired that walking resembles that of my 1 year old niece and besides the workout, talking off my shoes was one of the hardest things I did today. Huh?

BUT there is another side to pretty good: every person I met today and have talked to in the past about crossfit has testified that it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to them...ever. These life changing workouts have been compared to coming right below the life changing experiences of surrendering to Jesus Christ and getting married. Amazing. So now that it is all over I am lying on my bed still in healthy pain and hoping that there is a way that I can find a way to make it back to crossfit. I don't understand why besides the desire to lose weight and build muscle has become more desirable than the pleasure of eating good food. Speaking of good food...I drank a bottle of water and just ate 2 cloves of broccoli and both tasted sweet after this workout. Crazy.

But there is another side of this experience that has piqued my interest, but that is for the next post.


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