Thursday, November 5, 2009

Words without action...

On Thursday nights I meet with a group of guys to talk about life and a chapter from the book we are reading called Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. So far the book has sparked some really good conversation and last night was no exception. The chapter was titled Husbands and Wives as Analogous to Christ and the Church we discussed the issue of obedience and our role as the church to be obedient and submissive to Christ and then asked how that is reflected in a marriage relationship. The nice part of the group is that some are married, one guy is engaged and couple of us single which gives some interesting insight from different perspectives.

It is frustrating that terms such as submission, obedience, headship and reverence all have preconceived definitions tied with them. But if we reevaluate how these are used in relationship between Jesus and the Church, they paint a beautiful picture of how God designed relationship in a relationships to work. I think domineering, abusive, power and authority are often negatively coupled with the aforementioned list. God designed male headship in a husband's household to be sacrificial. Just as Christ lived and died sacrificially for His church, in that same way God is calling man to live sacrificially for his family. If we talk about a household being submissive and respectful to the authority given to the father and husband of the household, it should be evident in all areas of life. Spiritual growth, physical needs, health, provision and as the man initiating an attitude of repentance and reconciliation in the home. The father and husband leads by example, for better or worse, the household will follow. It's all about the gospel message being lived out in the home.

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