Friday, November 28, 2008

Another post of the past semester, and didn't publish.

Something I miss about back home is the lack of wind. Something I have quoted for a long while now is that "you might not realize how much you love something until it's gone". Well the lack of wind is in there is now too much of it now in the form of lip chapping, skin cracking, body shivering, can't wait to get inside kind of wind.

The cartoon above is one of many created by an artist that a friend of mine introduced me to. His name is Sam and he draws cartoons based on titles that people email him. He has a web site of them called and no I do not understand the title either, but I enjoy his work.

3 weeks to go until Christmas break. That feels good.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I think the title's referring to the "let's take a walk", and I'd probably agree with it.

I like this Thanks for introducing it to me. It reminds me of, which I used to peruse in high school, although less angsty and more good humored.

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