Thursday, May 14, 2009

Quick Update

Right now it is almost 12am here in Gouda. we are staying with host families and the family that I am staying is letting me use their computer to write this. We have only been here for a couple days and things are flying by. we had a full day of touring and traveling around amsterdam yesterday, and today we had 2 concerts in 2 cities.(Gouda and Dordrecht) Both went very well, but I am tired from how packed our days have been and it is not going to slow down. Tomorrow we go on to Delft, which is where the famous "Delft Blue" is made.

I am going to head to bed, but just one more thing. the first place we visited yesterday was the largest international flower auction in the world. it is quite the operation. There are millions of flower on tons of carts that are all in the most massive wherehouse I have ever been in. Mom, you would have loved it. More flowers than you can imagine. I would post pictures but that requires me to save them to the computer and it is not mine. But I cannot read the Dutch to save it in the first place either.


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