Monday, February 25, 2008

Stress, and strange dreams.

A couple different in the past couple weeks I had some really strange dreams, and I am not sure why. I think it might have something to do with the stress of my midterm exams and possibly other factors I am not aware of. Something else that is odd is that when I wake up after having these dreams I feel disoriented for a minute or so.

Today I had my midterm presentations and exam, which took 3.5 hours. I had a presentation discussing and comparing the experiences of taking some excursions and observing two different mission organizations. I think I did just fine in that presentation, but the other presentation was a comparison of two articles that I had read on Pravoslavian and Reformed Doctrine. I do feel I had presented the material very clearly and that was probably because I did not understand it very well myself. Finally the third part of my morning was to answer 19 short essay questions in conversational format. The short essay part was not difficult so overall I suppose the extremes of doing well in 2/3 and poorly in the third will hopefully balance out.

After I had discussed everything of the test with my teacher, we then discussed how I had done in the course overall. Something that I was discouraged by was that he had deducted points from my grade because I had turned in some of my reading responses late. But really I had turned them in early. The misunderstanding was that he wanted me to turn them in a few days before we met to discuss them, and there were a couple times that I had turned the work in maybe a day after we had agreed but still a day or two before the work was due. It was a communication error with me not understanding that I was deducted points for this.

Lately things have been rather monotonous. I was planning on visiting Kyle in Germany this weekend, but I decided I would be unable to do well in my exams today if I had. So now I hope to go visit him later this week after my second and final exam day. So I be able to spend Wednesday night, all of Thursday and Friday morning with him. This is really the last time I can spend time with him in light of our group leaving Friday night at 8pm for our 9 day trip to France. Then once we come back a I have a day to recuperate and then I fly to Ukraine early on the morning of Monday the 11th. I will then return from Ukraine on April 28 and have just under 2 weeks of time in Holland before I fly home to Seattle.

I am looking forward to this summer, but I really need/ want to make a fair amount of money. It is really remarkable that I will already be a senior next year. I think I might start looking into opportunities continue studying once I have graduated. I think I might be able to take courses part time or in the evening while working a job during the day. But then the question is what I would do for a day job?

I would love to hear from some people from home just to see how you are doing and to stay in contact. You can comment on here or send me an email at


1 comment:

Josh said...

Kudos for listening to the voice of the people (or the voice of me, in any case). I'm glad you're posting on this blog again.

By the way, I finally figured out how to have links to other sites on my blog (took me long enough). You're officially linked from my blog now.

And say "hi" to Kyle for me. All of us stuck back here in the States miss both of you.

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