Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Did it ever occur to you that when you look into the mirror, it is not as you truly to others but the exact opposite? So that my perception of my physical self is backwards; that eye that is closed a little more than the other, the direction of the part in my hair and the way it lies, which side of my mouth curls up more when I smile and which ear has that little freckle that looks like a piercing.

Or I could assume that everyone else has a backwards perception to who and what I truly am. I have thought often that nobody really understands who I am, the good and the bad, for they know not my thoughts. Believe me, my blog posts do not scratch the surface of the deep wonder of my mind.

"True genius does not feel the need to pompously reveal itself, but rather is content with the knowledge of how it is transforming the world in which it dwells."

That was an original proverb by me. Crap. I just demolished the mystery of my genius and have lost it in doing so, if I were to believe in the proverb I just created. I should create a pen name to disguise my intellect once more.

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