Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What's up?

Right now I am in transition. I am finishing up one last course for my degree and living at home. My 15 hour, very part time job at the church just finished up a week ago and now I am hunting. Hunting for a full time job that is. I just applied to the hospital for a custodian position. I also applied to a job at the Woodland park zoo for security. Both would pay more than enough to live off of. Today I talked to a guy that is the youth pastor at Canyon Hills Community Church. He seems like a nice guy. He dropped the hint that they might be looking for another guy to work in youth ministry, but still need to work out what that looks like.

So who knows what is down the road. Hopefully full time work and not living with the parents, but we shall see.

1 comment:

Chris said...


I have found that often it is in the crossroads where the Lord shapes our heart for present and future ministry.

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