Friday, January 26, 2007


Today is Friday Jan. 26 and I am really tired of the food here. My stomach is growling and I am really hungry. Problem...the food here seems to be getting progressively worse. But that is not what I am really frustrated about. My homework due today consisted of a 2-3 page response to a chapter I read for my Ed Psych class. I also had an assignment to observe a child and parent for a couple minutes and there was a one page response on that as well. Anyway, that was not exactly a heavy load of homework... the problem is that I just put them off until this morning and I got both of them done and i actually think I wrote a pretty good paper for Ed Psych, but I really should have done both assignments last night. The thing I am frustrated with is the fact that I feel like I am really unorganized. I only did a half hearted work out last night and I really want to get into shape, and I am trying to eat well but some days I just don't care. Last night after my lame work out I was watching some intramural basketball games and I was frustrated again with being out of shape.

My room is messy and I just seem to have higher priorities than to clean it. "Higher Priorities" like xbox, or watching a movie. That is ridiculous! I am also frustrated because I got my tonsils removed over Christmas Break and the doctor said that I would not be sick near as much and I would breathe much better and all this stuff, and now I am sick! Now I know I am not immune to sickness now that my tonsils are gone, but just this morning I kinda missed my tonsils. This sounds dumb but I am starting to think that getting my tonsils removed was not worth it. This is a random thought but I think the show LOST is sweet even though I have only seen the first season. Just trust me... there was a connection between my tonsils and LOST.

Anyway, my watching the basketball games and getting in shape naturally lead me to think about relationships and how focused we are on the physical and what is pleasing to the eye. I watched the movie The Village recently and I think that it is now in my top 10 movies for sure. The ending is amazing and the story line is sweet, but the best part of the movie is this relationship between a boy that is somewhat timid and a blind girl. The relationship is so pure and genuine and little if any at all of it is based on physical attraction, but rather an attraction to character and personality. I remember saying to myself that I could totally see myself marrying a blind girl for the simple reason that she would love me for my personality and not how I look. It was such an interesting perspective to see how things "look" from a blind person's point of view. Yes ladies and gents there it is, the soft side of Joel Pilon. But the more we put this generalization that men are not romantic and do not have the desire to be wanted by a woman the more I realize it is NOT TRUE! I want companionship! Can I get an amen? So that's about it for now, and i shall post sometime soon again.

Comment as you like,

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