Saturday, March 3, 2007

Galatians 1:10

"Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God! Or am I trying to please men? If I were trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

It is been quite a while since I posted last. Honestly I just didn't know eactly what I wanted to write for while, but now I'm back.
As I am writing this it is 2:47pm on Saturday. I woke up about an hour ago not intending to sleep that late, but let me give you some background. Over the course of this past Thursday and Friday we recieved a dump of about 2ft and some inches of snow in a blizzard. So as of yesterday(Friday) afternoon the weather was clearing up enough that me ans 9 other guys decieded to hollow out this massive pile of snow that the on campus "Snow Crew" plowed up. When I say massive I mean roughly 30 yards across and about 10 feet high at it's highest point. So we proceeded to make this igloo big enough to fit all 10 of us in it laying down and we spent the night in the igloo last night. At least for the majority of the night. Me and another guy left at around 4am cause it was impossible to get to sleep, at least in my experience. Futhermore my nice, comfy and warm bed inside the nice, comfy and warm dorm building was beckoning and was WAY more appealing. So I went to bed and did not set my alarm and I slept until aobut 1:30pm today.

I am not a big fan of sleeping this lat in the day for the simple reason that I feel like I have wasted half my day. I have a list of things to do involving homework among all kinds of other odds and ends, and expectations of people of things to do from both here and home. So I was frustrated with myself when I woke up, not to mention the fact that I was really hungry too. Honestly I have bee trying to keep in touch with friends from home and mostly by facebook or email or myspace, but I have not exactly been keeping up soI have a few people giving me messages that include the, "Dude, where are you? You said you were going to keep in touch." kind of snetence in them. It is not that I don't care about keeping in touch, it's more that my priorities are such that messaging my friends from home is not at the top usually. This is just one example of stuff that is on my mind to do.

On to other things. So now I am continuing the rest of this post today(March 6). So today in my "Theology Enging Culture" class we were discussing the reading we had read for today. The reading was about entertainment and the effect it has on our culture, especially youth. At some point the discussion today turned to ADD and ADHD and how televsion and technology as a whole has given our generation an attitude of passivity. Technology does all the thinking for us, and we just watch. W ehave been so trained to be to be interested in the things that are entertaining instead, and this has been applied to more than just TV and computers or some other form of technology. Now we have students that can read, but rarely do becuase it is not entertaining and forces you to think. We have books on CD and now movies are giving us the images to go along with the book to the point where we are not able to read the book without thinking about the movie images. This is shrinking our imaginations. Then the discussion progressed by applying entertainment to youth ministry, and how our pastors are having to compete by making Sunday mornings entertaining to keep the interest of the students. This class is so interesting to see the kinds of things that we are unmasking in our culture, but then I can't help thinking how can Christianity compete. It should not be a competition in the first place, and if it was the competititon is not playing by the same rules. Now we have to constatnly find new ways to keep students attention because if it is not interesting or entertaining then they begin to sqirm and chatter. It is really discouraging to see what we are up against. All of this is still pretty fresh in my mind so I might write more on it later, but that is all for now.

I miss you all and just this past sunday I was imagining going to Northshore on a sunny morning and seeing everybody again. This will come true sooner than we realize. Talk to you soon.


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