Saturday, May 5, 2007

Desire....or lack of it.

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Today is my sister in law's birthday. Yay to her for turning 20. Right now I am in the library of my school at 6:30 on a Saturday night, thinking about the massive amounts of work I have to do before I leave for home this Friday.

-Read "Affluenza" (150 pages)- Then write 6-8 page page paper due wednesday
-Read "Poisonwood Bible"(500+ pages)- Then write monologue on book for presentation on Thursday. Then write 2 page creative writing on book.
-complete 3 essay questions on take home portion of exam for Monday, then go to finish the rest of the final exam on Monday afternoon.
-Moday Morning sing 5 songs memorized for voice lesson final exam including memorizing an Italian piece before then.
-Study for 2 exams on Tuesday morning.

Despite my list of rediculousness I still find time to do other less importan things, and now I have reached the point of being crippled by the amount of work I have to do that I just don't do anything. I just sit, or just walk around. It's horrible. I Just think about this week being over and flying hom eon Friday to see friends and family and a change of pace.

Lord help me.

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