Tuesday, May 1, 2007

God is a Genius

In one of my classes today we were discussing if life was completely horrible or if life is good and reasons and effects to why. My prof said, "Life has to be good! When I sit on my back porch and smoke a cigar and watch the sunset as my kids play on the slide in the yard, life is good. It's about perspective."

I agree. Life is good, but that is becuase I am choosing it to be that way. There are many things that I could point out that really suck in my life...seizures, overweight, in Iowa, behind in school, lame roommate, broken by sin daily. Why would I want to focus on those things?

I love my life. I love the people in my life. (no I am not on drugs, and shame on you for thinking such things.) I love my God. I love that fact that he is God, and he a genius for creating things to be as they are. Life is beautiful.

I think that we have too high of expectations...in a way. Another thing my prof said today was that American Culture is so very very violent. Violence seems to trigger images of blood and gore, but violence involves so much more. The abuse of power in any situation is violence. The expectations we have for eachother and ourselves become violent when they are self centered and we expect the world to revolve around us. It causes our actions and words to be violent.

I noticed that every paragraph in this post starts with "I". It's not about me.Simplify your life and take the focus off yourself. Sunday night my Resident Director for the building spoke about 3 R's that a Christian community should identify with. WE should be a community marked by Rest, Risk and Reverence/gratititude.

So these are my tandom thoughts for today ask questions if you want. Talk to you soon.


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