Friday, May 2, 2008


When what is done has been done and all has passed
Once God has decided that the final judgement shall be cast
I feared I was lacking faith, I was losing my sight
My God, please have mercy on me tonight

When my words are made of ash and my mouth is dry
Once my strength was worn down and I rub my sore eyes
I feared I had pridefully refused all help and responded in spite
My God, please forgive me tonight

When I could not stop thinking and just rest
Once I had made my sin a frequenting unwanted guest
I feared I was damed and no way i would be cleaned white
My God, please give me peace tonight

When I realize these issues are not past tense
Once I know I have procrastinated the thought of what is reality...
I fear...

My Future
What other people think
Consequences of my doubt
My weakness

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