Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Something I wrote last semester that somehow didn't make it to the Publish button.

...right, but at this point I am more worried about the future than the past. Today I going to meet with my theology advisor to walk through my options for the next couple years. Do I finish out my theology program and move on to something else, or do I extend my stay in norhtwest iowa for a degree in choral music education. I was talking to a frined last night about these ramblings that bounce around in my head. I realized that despite the stress of making critical decisions, there is a part of me that is excited at the thought of so many options to consider. A blessing and a curse I suppose.

Today in my missions and evangelism course we had a guest speaker for the last little bit of class. She presented on the option of going to China for 5 weeks to teach english. Crazy, but still piqued my interest...graduate, go on choir tour to Holland for a couple weeks and then maybe teach english in China for a bit. I LOVE traveling! It is a delicious experience to travel out side the states.

So now the options are as follows...

1. graduate with a theology degree...find a job...become independant...the norm
2. graduate, but then come back for a couple years to get a degree in choral music education.
3. drop out...(hey it is an option, but unlikely)...then who knows what.
4. graduate (theology)... go teach english somewhere international...china, Korea,etc.

This is all within the parenthesis of money of course...

"Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and youre okay.
Money, its a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash."

I think Pink Floyd forgot to write a verse about debt when they plucked this one out.

doo bee doo bee doo....what else?

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